Rescuing Freedom - A Romantic Twisty Suspense Novel

Rescuing Freedom - A Romantic Twisty Suspense Novel

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Available on Audiobook, too!

United by fate and a common quest for justice, four people battle for their freedom.

When they find their cheating husbands plotting against them, Freesia Hollister and her friend Iris Simmons' lives implode. Receiving unexpected help from two Special Force veterans traveling in a motorhome, the four begin a suspenseful adventure in Rocky Mountain National Park. But trouble soon follows.

Coming to the rescue of the two ladies adds additional obstacles to their mission of searching for a MIA soldier from their platoon hiding at the park. With government agencies also searching for their friend, the race to find him begins.

As helicopters hover and government agents go rogue, these four are determined to shield the innocent and bring the guilty to justice.

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